Wednesday 30 March 2022


 How is it Wednesday already?!  Well my calendar tells me it is so it must be time for What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday.  The answer this morning is "not a lot"... I am working from home today so it is just my laptop and a mug of tea (boring!).

However, yesterday evening after work, there was a game in play.  This was my mothers day present - it is a board game called Calico and can be played by up to 4 players, and there is also a solo mode.  It is a gentle puzzly type of game where you draw tiles out of a bag and have to choose which ones you will place on your board to make up your quilt.  If you get a certain number of  particular pattern you will persuade a cat to come and lie on your board, if you get three of a colour close together then you can have a button to add to your quilt. There are also different tile conditions you need to meet to score higher points. I love the artwork and premise and am slowly improving my score!

There has only been a tiny bit of crafting this week making two identical mothers day cards to hastily get in the post.

As I was on duty in church on Sunday morning (I am not a morning person at the best of times and having to be in church by 8.30 when the clocks went forward was tough!) we decided to celebrate Mothering Sunday on a Saturday and went out for a lovely family meal.  

On Sunday, Alex surprised me by deciding he wanted to join me to play in our local plunge pool so we had a laugh messing in cold water - the ice cream head meant he didn't stay in too long but we both enjoyed it.

That's all from me for now... Alex has exams this week so the levels of stress are fairly high here (ADHD means concentration is hard!) and he needs support with revision so I will visit when I can.  Take care, and stay safe everyone,

With love & God Bless,




Annie said...

That sounds like a fun game and what a lovely Mother’s Day you had...perfect.
Annie x #7

Neet said...

May I first of all wish Alex all the luck I can in his revision.
Wow, that game sounds very interesting, I will have to investigate.
Love the card you made for Mothering Sunday and what a great idea to celebrate the day before because of duties.
Take care, Blessings, Ne et 6 xx

Lunch Lady Jan said...

I’ve never heard of Calico, it sounds fun, I’m glad you’re enjoying it! The card is very pretty indeed, love the colours. Good luck with the exams Alex, you can do it!
Hugs LLJ 9 xxx

Susan Renshaw said...

Another interesting game!
Lovely mother's day card and that splash photo is brilliant!
Happy WOYWW!
Susan #11

glitterandglue said...

Hi Caro great looking game. Enjoy! Well done managing the two cards. That's a great shot of the three of you in the restaurant - so glad you all managed to get out and celebrate. Aaarggh! You were at church before I was on Sunday - I made it for 9.15 for the prayer time - but only just!!! Those photos of the plunge pool look COLD!!! Well done to the pair of you. Trust you all have a precious and peaceful time this week with the exams - hope Alex does well.
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #5

Tracy said...

Loooving your calico board game Cora 🤩 looks fun and soooo colourful! Beautiful cards they are 💛🌷💕 SUch beautiful family photos ... looks like a fun time was had at the local plunge pool! Goood luck this week Alex ⭐💛⭐ Have a beautiful week Caro rolling into the weekend. Love and hugs Tracy #14 xxxx

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

When I first saw the game board I thought you were doing some patchwork, it looked like a cushion cover but that just shows how my brain works Lol! I'm sure it's much more fun than that though. Good luck with the revision Alex. Wishing you a very happy and creative woyww. Hugs, Angela x13x

Twiglet said...

Best of luck to Alex for his exams. I hope they go really well for him and he is rewarded for all his hard work. (You too!) Your Calico game looks like our sort of game Caro - I have never heard of it. I can imagine Annie's grand daughters might enjoy it too. xx Jo

Crafting With Jack said...

Love those hexagons, they would make a great card! Looks like you managed to get several cats to come on your quilt. Wishing Alex lots of luck with his exams. God Bless xx Angela #4

Sarah Brennan said...

WHat a great looking game Caro and how lovely that Alex joined you for a swim on Mother's Day. Hope his exams go well. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #1

Mary Anne said...

Love the sound of that game and your Mother's day sounds fab too. So funny about the cat. The cards are lovely - I have to wait for American Mother's day to send mine as both my Mom and MIL get a bit confused when we wish them a HAppy Mother's day seemingly at random LOL! Oh well, more time to plan DOH!
Happy WOYWW!
Mary Anne (2)

Marit said...

What an interesting game... sounds like fun to play and a great present. Mother's day in HOlland is in May... so funny to see/read other countries have other days for it. Thanks for stopping by the other day, hug from Holland. Marit #15

Spyder said...

Lots of fun on Mother's Day, the game sound fun too only....the water, still looks freeeeeezzzzing! Good luck to Alex and his exams, Keep on Crafting, stay safe, Happy Late WOYWW!? ((Lyn))#21

Kelly said...

Good morning, Caro. Thanks for the visit. Love seeing you pop in.

Sending all kinds of positive energy for Alex. The plunge sounded a bit cold. LOL

Okay.. Calico has me intriqued and I had to look it up on Amazon before even posting here. LOL I need some quiet downtime and this looks perfect!

Creative Blessings! - Kelly #19