Wednesday 18 January 2023


 Hello and welcome back to my blog for another edition of what's on your workdesk Wednesday hosted by the lovely Julia.  I can't believe that another crazy busy week has flown past and there is a sprinkling of snow on the ground and sun in the sky.  I prefer this weather to the wind and rain we had most of last week.

Here is my desk as it was late last night. My laptop is buried near the back, you can see my bullet journal and my prayer journal at the front of my desk. The bullet journal just needs some photos printing to finish it off.


I have managed to almost keep up with my mini collage challenge so here are the latest ones.


I have also had a couple of lovely long walks across the moors nearby 

and of course a swim or two!  This was yesterday's swim - absolutely beautiful with snow on the hills in the distance and brilliant sunshine and blue skies (air temp -1, water temp ~5). That's all from me for now. I hope you all have a good week,

With love & God Bless,




Lunch Lady Jan said...

Great collages, you really are good at them, it’s a skill I don’t have! Lovely walk pics, hooray for blue skies!
Hugs LLJ 7 xxx

Mary Anne said...

Do you swim if it is snowing?? Brave girl. Your collage journal is quite wonderful, and I am really enjoying seeing it each week. You always inspire - I am trying to do a little bit of daily journaling and keeping up well. I missed out a day or two but found as long as I keep it on my COMPUTER desk, I always grab it to write, as it sits there, accusing me if I try to ignore it... :D
Mary Anne (4)

Crafting With Jack said...

That was a cold swim! You look happy though. Great collages especially the last one. Fabulous walking area. Happy WOYWW. Angela #12

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Caro, loving the photos. I am trying to get going with a new art journal but life has been getting in the way slightly right now but I am enjoying seeing your Bullet Journal and look forward to seeing even more of it. Take care and wishing you a very happy and creative woyww, Angela x11x

Christine said...

I am frozen after looking at your swimming photo!!!!
what great views across your moor . .
have a good week
Christine #18

My name is Cindy said...

Blue skies and sunshine - blissful even if it's chilly! (Not sure about the -5 swimming though!) Great collages, you are doing well. Such a joy to see your smiling face. Happy WOYWW, love n hugs Cindyxx #13

Annie said...

Love the collages and your swim photos always make me smile because I know how much you love it.
Annie x #5

Neet said...

I do enjoy seeing your collage work. Often when people do these challenges that require daily or almost daily contributions, that is what you see, something done quickly and not as well thought out as yours. Your pictures make sense and are pleasing to the eye. I doubt I could choose a favourite as I enjoy seeing them all.
Love the pictures over the moorland and the one of you in the water. Brr... it makes me shiver but so happy for you that you enjoy it so much.
Blessings, Neet xx 3

Sarah Brennan said...

Oh I do so love your collage pages Caro - such lovely layouts. Glad you have managed to get more swimming in too. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #2

Helen said...

the water temp really makes me shiver, but as long as you enjoy it!! Well done on the collages, they look beautiful. take care and happy cold water swimming! Helen #1

Julia Dunnit said...

Minus five, gracious! I presume that you only allow yourself a few minutes at that sort of temp?! I get how lovely it must have been though, so so good to see sunshine at last isn’t it! I’m loving your collages, you have an eye for putting them together for sure. I like the idea of the laptop being way at the back of your desk. Bet it can’t last though!

Twiglet said...

The blue sky and sunshine on your moors walk looks wonderful. You are making a great job of your collages - each one a little gem x x Jo

Susan Renshaw said...

That is a fabulous photo of you in the water!
Love the collages.
Happy WOYWW!
Susan #8