Wednesday 4 December 2019


Welcome to my blog!  I am back again after a crazy week last week involving several nights of working late meant I failed to post.  As usual I am joining in with What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday - check out Julia's blog for details.
Here is my desk - all clean and tidy because I have been doing my crafting electronically.  Each year I make a calendar for my Mum containing photos of all the family from the past year, so I have been sat at my computer collecting all the photos together. On my desk are a few new decorative items from our trip to The Harry Potter Experience at Warner Brothers Studios last Thursday - a miniature cuddly Hedwig, a Hogwarts Express and a Knight bus!  Finally, it wouldn't be my desk without a mug of tea, which is currently being drunk.
The other reason there hasn't been a huge amount of crafting is because I was preaching at the all age advent service on Sunday and there was a certain amount of preparation involved.  The talk was split into two, with the second part involving children opening some presents which needed preparing!  This was my first all age service/preach and there were definitely some lessons learnt - the most prominent of which was 'Do not help to lead a vigorous action song immediately before you have to talk'!  I was so hot, sweaty and out of breath that it was hard to talk - the first part came out in gasps!  (Mental note to self : Get Fitter!).  That said, I did get good feedback overall so it wasn't all bad.
I am going to finish with a few of the photos of Alex and me from Hogwarts in the Snow last week - it really got us in the Christmassy mood.

Have a wonderful week everyone,
With love & God Bless,


Helen said...

I'd love to go to the Harry Potter experience.. but it needs a group - or at least one companion I think to really enjoy it. Every year I mean to make a calendar of my Kew pics fromthe year... yet again I have failed this year! Happy WOYWW and well done on the service. Helen #1

craftyani said...

That's a lovely idea for your mum, photos from the past year. Every crafter has a mug of tea or coffee on their desk couldn't manage without it. Ani #4

Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said...

Sounds like you've been so busy Caro but saved some time to spend with family. Looks like you had lots of fun at Hogwart's i'd love to visit it too.
Wishing you much creative time soon. Happy WoywW Tracey #8

Lunch Lady Jan said...

I do love a personalised calendar like that, it makes a lovely present. Those pics of you and Alex at HP studios are so much fun, I really must get there one day!
Hugs LLJ 3 xxx

shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Caro, the calendar is a great idea, my Bro & SIL in Australia do one for our Mom every year. Well done on the service, all new things have their learning curve. The HP trip looks fab, on our to-do list. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #15 X

Little Dorrit does... said...

The Hogwarts photos are fab - looks like you had a 'magical' time!
Amelia #17

Annie said...

I'm doing a whistle stop tour of all my fav blogs before starting to sew the 3 Memory bears I've got lined up ready so please excuse it being a speedy visit.
I have been chuckling at your lessons learnt that you've shared on facebook esp the one you've mentioned here. I can't believe how grown up Alex is looking now....time flies!!
Annie x #11

Twiglet said...

Lovely photos of you and Alex - a fab day out I think. Also chuckled at your breathless preaching experience - we are never too old to learn a lesson or two!!! (I must admit I have done similar in my career as an infants teacher - was always prone to a bit of leaping about and having fun!) xx Jo

Ali Wade Designs said...

Happy WOYWW. Jealous! Always wanted to go to the Hogwarts Experience. It must have been magical at this time of year. Great photos. I normally design a photo book of our grandchildren, but not got round to that this year. I might do a small version quickly this week. Ali x #24

Kathryn Frantz said...

Your photos sure share the Christmasy spirit. It’s wonderful that you embrace winter so much! It is still just gray here. Only a couple dusting of snow which are gone by noon. Faith, family and fun! Your love of these always shine through!
Happy Wednesday!

Crafting With Jack said...

Happy WOYWW x I would love to go the Harry Potter experience - sigh! Great photographs, Angela #24

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

What an amazing experience it must have been! My son never got into Harry Potter, though I wish he had. It didn't stop me from buying him all the Harry Potter themed Lego sets though, but they were more for me LOL. Lovely idea to make a calendar with your family photos - I know how much work goes into it - I've only done it once and it was so hard to choose the right photos. Well done on your sermon - funny you were out of breath following the sing-along - I can just about imagine! Happy WOYWW! zsuzsa #18

Anne said...

Hello Caro. Had to smile re your account of your preaching. Sure it would be something I would do! Sounds as though it was a successful experience. Well done. Love the photos! We had a calendar one year of photos of our eldest grandson during his first year. Still treasure it. Thanks for visiting. Anne X 21

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Looks like a great day out at the Harry Potter Experience and it's very kind of you to share this with us. Love your mini Hedwig and the desk is so tidy!
Wishing you a happy creative woyww, Angela x12x

Neet said...

I think those calendars are a lovely idea - I once did one for my friend and filled it with photos of her daughter that she had sent to me or I had taken myself. It was a huge success as I am sure yours is with your mum. What a lovely daughter you are.
I really enjoyed the photos of you two at the Harry Potter Experience - I bet Alex loved every minute of of it. Those are moments to treasure.
Well done on your All Age Advent Service.
Blessings, Neet xx 9

Lillianb said...

Look like you had a great time at te Harry potter Experience,. nice tidy desk,

Lilian B #14

Sarah Brennan said...

I must visit that Harry Potter Experience some time Caro, it looks amazing. Well done on your Advent service! Happy belated WOYWW. Sarah #2

Sue said...

Hi Caro, Looks like you and Alex had a fun time.

Thanks for stopping by my blog.

Happy WOYWW.
Sue #7

Belinda said...

Hi Caro! Thanks for the visit yesterday. I didn't get to my computer yesterday after my appointment so I am racing around today to snoop.
I have made a calendar like that for my mother-in-law and you are inspiring me whip up one again. I will have to see if time allows. I am working on something for my next girlfriend craft time so I will have to see if it's possible. But I always like the idea because It's fun to see it hanging up in her kitchen.
So your sermon was a bit breathie eh? It's funny how much more you can appreciate all those little details when you are the one delivering the talk. I am glad it ended well and I'm sure no one noticed but you. Congrats.
Oh those Harry Potter photos are fantastic. I love watching the behind the scenes for the movies so I can only imagine how magnificent it is to be among them. So much detail. Love it.
Have a blessed day!

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Thanks for your visit....Things have gotten more stable, dealing with laryengitis and sinus so resting. My DIL does the photo calender and I love it. I know it is a LOT of work sorting thru photos. I've tried to do a book on trips etc? Thanks for sharing your Christmassy photos, I'm so far behind with it all. Enjoy a great weekend