Friday 30 November 2007

Friday at last!

Well I can't really complain...I did have yesterday off as well! Work has been a little calmer since the BMedSci has managed to hand in his thesis. The only thing of note is that I had my meeting with the boss (Prof Malcolm Reed) and he agreed that I should have my permanent post confirmed (we have a three year probationary period as university lecturers) which is great news. I just need to get the Director of Research and the Dean of the faculty to sign the paperwork and everything will be fine. I have written a powerpoint presentation for a talk I will be giving in three weeks time, and today we went out to lunch at the very nice Chinese Restaurant to celebrate my PhD student going on Maternity leave.
Yesterday we ended up going to about amazing...I haven't managed to go there for three years. Now, we didn't go to every part of fact we only did one end, but it was very successful. I bought a pair of boots, which are my birthday present from my parents, and we bought Alex's Christmas present, a convection heater, a new phone, some matress protectors, a graphics card, 7 rolls of wrapping paper, some kits for making crackers, some stickers, and investigated strollers (which will be our family Christmas present from my parents). It was a pretty successful trip and Alex behaved beautifully, only crying once because he was hungry, so we fed him and then as we were walking around he drifted off to sleep. Perfect.
I have had such a lovely Mummy time with Alex this evening...he has had me in stitches as he has been laughing at the strangest things...including me rustling some paper, playing rowing with him, tickling his tummy, and making silly noises. It has been the greatest of fun and he really didn't want to go to bed.
I have done a little crafting over the past few days, but not as much as I should have done...I have only finished 60 Christmas cards and I have another 20 to do. Instead I started on the bookmarks that we are giving people for Christmas...this is the front of one of them...the back is a disaster and needs re-doing!
Yesterday I recieved a lovely ATC from Doreen (Momiji) which is a cross stitch Christmas tree with little beads to represent baubles...I think it is a lovely ATC and I am thrilled with it. Anyway, must go as my son is yelling. More soon,

1 comment:

Momiji said...

glad you like the atc! ..lovely photos of you and Alex there..he's growing up pack an amazing amount into your life!