Friday 1 August 2008

I am so pleased it is Friday!

I am exhausted after this week...I just haven’t been sleeping well at all, partly due to being too hot at night, but mostly just for no apparent reason. Since sending off the grant I have been kept busy by writing a portfolio about my teaching. As part of being a University Lecturer I have to take a qualification in Learning and teaching and this portfolio and subsequent viva are the last step in the process. I have to say that I found the literature on research-led teaching and workplace based teaching rather dull as it was full of jargon and didn’t say a great deal, but I needed to include references to justify the statements I made. I got there in the end and am just so relieved that it is finished, printed and has gone to the binders. The next step will be the viva in a month or so. Alex has been great fun at home, although he was totally exhausted the day after his nursery trip. He has finally started trying to feed himself from his bowl, although the tendency is still to tip the bowl up or throw it on the floor. He now will shove his hand in the bowl and grab a handful of whatever food is there and quickly stick it in his mouth. The expression on his face when the food is of a funny texture on his fingers is hilarious! Although I would like him to use a spoon I am actively encouraging this as in the past he has been really fussy about textures on his fingers and anything that is the wrong texture wont get put anywhere near his mouth. I am hoping that this is a sign he is progressing beyond that point. Crafting wise I have done very little these past few days. My craft space had reached the point of being totally unusable as a result of not wanting to spend what little time I have tidying up. Therefore I decided that enough was enough and I had to down tools and just get it sorted! I still haven’t finished, but hope to do so over the weekend and it is already looking so much better than it was. I couldn’t go completely without crafting however, and have made these two slightly unusual zentangle (doodle) ATCs. I wanted to use a colour background for a change and do some bold patterns with thicker pen. I honestly can’t decide if I like these or not, but I am glad that I made the experiment.
I hope you all have a nice weekend. More soon,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Alex is losing his baby look fast now - he's looking quite the young man. Don't worry too much about the spoon thing, he'll soon start copying others who eat with 'tools'.

Glad you've got your portfolio completed, they ARE time consuming aren't they?

I love your zentangles, especially the green one (does it reflect your feelings atm?)
